Thursday, January 26, 2012

science fair project

Ping pong catapult is Carter's science project this year.  Kevin & Carter worked hard on all the experiments and data collection.  I helped with the posterboard.  Can you tell?  Carter says it looks like his scrapbooking mom helped him.  Yea, so?  Good job Carter!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

happy birthday Jamaria

Jamaria turns 10 today!!!!  only had one candle but we made due.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

finally, something that cleans the shower door!

Dawn + Vinegar = Soap Scum KILLA

This really does work people!!!!  It's a miracle!!!!  For the first time EVER, my shower door is scum-free

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

Started reading this last's gonna be a good series!  Carter has already finished it so it is fun to discuss with him.  Movie comes out in March so I have plenty of time to finish all three books.  Wouldn't be surprised if I finish them all in a week.  Seriously, it's that good!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

a rose by any other name could be a celery stalk

At least in this case, it's the bottom of a celery stalk.  Casey thinks it looks like a rose and wanted his picture made with it.  I think it's so pretty and decorative on a vegetable plate.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This is Jamaria's sister, Malaya...we finally made it to one of her basketball games - she is an amazing athlete!  Loves to play basketball....we definately see a bright future for her in this area.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Leopard Awards

Casey made A Honor Roll this semester~!
Jamaria was awarded for her beautiful handwriting and perfect attendance!  I am so proud of my kids!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jumping for George.....

Casey was chosen to "Jump for George" today....get it?  George Washington?  dollar bill's?  now you get it?  The principal tapes all these dollar bill's together and lays it across the floor.  If your are chosen you get to see how far you can jump.  So, he won $7 worth - only $4 are in the picture.  I think he spent the rest on the school chocolate bar fundraiser.  Oh, almost forgot, the principal chooses from whoever is on the honor roll list.  Casey has made straight A's on each report card now.  Woooohooo!!!!  We are SO PROUD OF HIM!

We are also proud of him because last night he brought home a little box .  It is a fundraiser for children with blood disorders.  Casey & Jamaria filled this box up with their own money.  Both of them agreed that these children need it more than they do.  I am ONE PROUD MAMA!  One of the most important lessons I believe you can teach your children in life is to put others first.  How wonderful that our school also promotes this!  Go LORENA LEOPARDS!!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

wednesday night church

Casey & Jamaria have started choir and mission friends at my mom's church this week.  They both love it!  Can't wait to see them sing in church soon.  We love our church but they do not have a children's choir :(  So glad they can be apart of this!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

family of five now

On October 15, 2011 we became a family of FIVE!  We have known Jamaria a long time now......since she was 5 years old.  I met her at Talitha Koum, a child nurturing center in Waco through my Junior League placement in 2007.  When she started school I agreed to co-mentor her with my friend, Becky Lloyd.  For many years we have supported her with her school events and welcomed her into our family on weekends.  In October she needed a safe place to stay a while so we whole-heartedly agreed that she should stay with us!  We don't know how long she gets to stay and it could be permanent.  For now we just enjoy and love on her.  I must admit, it's really fun having a girl in the house!  The boys enjoy her too - they both told her how they've always wanted a sister.  Such sweet boys!

Monday, January 16, 2012

white girls can jump or uh, at least do hair

Well, this white mother has learned to do some hair!  I put a relaxer on J's hair and flat-ironed it tonight!  She loves it (I think).  :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

leaving rockin r......

packing up to leave is never fun.....but I did get a lot accomplished:

finally did our wedding album...21 years later

stuffed photos into 4 binders with sleeves, planning on going back to scrap a few in between.  i simply do not have the time to scrap EVERY picture.

won a door prize!! don't you just love this bag???  it was filled with scrappy goodness but I would've been happy with just the bag

Saturday, January 14, 2012

there are rules........

and they must be followed! serious rules at the rocking r basically says no pooping in the toilet.  WOW.  lol

Friday, January 13, 2012

girlfriend weekend at Rockin R Ranch!

We had such a wonderful time scrapbooking all weekend!  These two ladies & I have scrapped together for 10 years now.  We also have children the same age.  Kindred spirits fo sho!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

carter with his grammy & mema

It's hard to believe that Carter is bigger than his grandmothers now.  Weird to think these ladies held him when he was itty bitty.  Well, he really wasn't ever itty bitty, but you know what I mean!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Getting started......

I have had blog envy for a very long time.  On the encouragement of my near friend, Nicole, I decided to jump in and try it! 

Here I go, jumping off the edge.........